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Top 3 Benefits of taking the Creative Summer Challenge

The main reason to participate in the Creative Summer Challenge is creative growth, which is absolutely invaluable. Through having fun, sharing ideas and working within a short deadline, you will progress and you might not even notice it because it’s happening in such short frequent bursts that are getting you in the habit of creating. Allow me to quickly shed light on how you’ll progress in three main areas.


With your brain, you use it, you won’t lose it and the more you use it, the more ideas you’ll have and the better they’ll become through your natural selective process. By being creative, your brain’s mental capacity is boosted, memory improved and cognitive decline is postponed. Your brain will literally be made stronger by participating in this project! What’s amazing too is that creativity is contagious. Not just when working in a team but individually, you may have noticed that one creative idea often leads you to an entire matrix of new creative thought. You may even notice that it can get out of hand and you become selective over what ideas should be saved and prioritised. This is important and leads us to let go of unsuccessful ideas and pursue the best ones.


When we connect with other creatives, we gain new perspectives and learn new or better ways of doing things can increase our individual ability to to innovate and discover opportunities. Sharing with others and hearing other creatives’ thoughts, allows us to be more critical of our ideas, which is important in order for our work and ideas to improve. When going a step further and collaborating or working in a team, the critiquing becomes even more keen and we learn about our own strengths and weaknesses as well as our teammates, which is important to know when roles are given to individuals to achieve certain mutual goals. It's important to know who you are, what you can contribute and what you need help with. It really does take team work to make the dream work!


In 2010, IBM released a Global CEO Study which selected creativity as the most crucial factor for future success. By challenging yourself creatively on a weekly basis through this project, you may have an incredible idea that develops into something much bigger than just your week’s submission - it may even be the next big hit at the box office, galleries, broadway, bookstores and so on. You may also notice the creative-surge seeping into other areas of your life. You may notice yourself being more creative about ideas concerning your home, work, relationships or other areas. Remember, creativity is contagious and with your brain being strengthened and learning from other people’s perspectives, you will naturally shift and grow. This growth will support your journey to ultimate success. It may sound like I’m promising a lot from a simple creative summer challenge but if you engage fully, you’ll see for yourself what incredible ideas will flourish and how you’ll progress.

The Creative Summer Challenge Details

The Creative Summer Challenge kicked off officially on Saturday July 1st and will end Saturday September 2nd at 11:59 pm.

All participating members must submit a creative piece every Saturday by 11:59 pm that night, with first submissions being July 8th. Submissions can be anything creative such as a drawing, video, creative writing, dance skit, etc. Anything and everything is welcomed! We encourage members to experiment with mediums/genres they don't usually work with. If you're a writer, try your hand at painting one week and so on! We also encourage partnering up/teaming up with other members!

We will be providing prompts and themes to help along the way each week!

What do you get?! The joy and experience of creating, developing and enjoying your summer to the fullest - all whilst alongside a group of talented, supportive creatives. In addition to that you will be entered to win any Art Nest class of your choice! Raffle will be drawn at the end of the challenge.

Submit to the event page on facebook and/or to Check for further details.

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